Save Your Marriage and Find Inner Peace - FREE Webinar

Introducing A Beta Program for Women Ready to Break Free from Difficult Marriages & Transform Them Into Something Beyond Your Hopes and Dreams

Welcome Weary Wives...

 Are you tired of the pain and trauma of a difficult marriage?
You're in the right place. My name is Erin Jean, and I'm a certified hypnotherapist and subconscious healing coach. I've been through the darkness and emerged stronger, saving my own marriage along the way. Today, I'm excited to introduce you to my beta program, "The Business of Inner Peace," designed to save your marriage without traditional therapy or involving your husband.

 The Power of a New Approach...
  You may believe that saving your marriage from trauma, betrayal or abuse requires years of therapy or your husband's willingness to change.
Let me tell you a secret: it doesn't. In this webinar, I'll share why you don't need countless therapy sessions or your husband's participation to save your marriage. I'll guide you through my own journey of discovery, where I realized that traditional therapy alone wasn't healing the pain and trauma within my marriage. I'll also reveal three powerful secrets that will transform your relationship.

The Three Secrets to Saving Your Marriage 
Secret #1: Rewire Trauma Responses and Reprogram Subconscious Reactions Learn how to save your marriage from the pain and trauma of emotional and verbal abuse without spending years on traditional therapy or involving your husband. Discover effective techniques to rewire your brain's responses and heal your subconscious reactions. By reprogramming your subconscious mind, you can break free from the cycle of abuse and create a healthier, more loving dynamic in your marriage.  Secret #2: Heal Deeply Embedded Memories Through Subconscious Rewiring Even if you believe your pain and trauma are too deeply embedded to heal, I'll show you how to rewire your brain's perception of those memories. Using my specific method, you'll identify your subconscious programming and transform the way your brain thinks and feels about past painful experiences. Experience true healing and create new emotions associated with those memories, freeing yourself from their grip on your present and future.  Secret #3: Transform Your Marriage, Even if Your Husband Doesn't Change You might doubt that your husband will ever change, but that doesn't mean your marriage is beyond saving. Through personal transformation, you can create a positive shift in your relationship. As you change, the people and circumstances around you begin to change as well. Discover how to heal your marriage from the pain of emotional and verbal abuse, even if your husband remains resistant to change. This transformation starts with you.  

Erin Jean

Erin Jean is a highly skilled and experienced relationship coach, with over a decade of expertise in the natural health and personal growth industry. She uses her experience and knowledge of the body and mind to guide individuals towards achieving inner peace. She has been married for over 20 years and is a mom to three children. She understands the importance of maintaining a balanced and healthy lifestyle both physically and emotionally, and she has dedicated herself to helping others do the same. 

Erin is an author, a podcast host, a certified hypnotherapist, a certified natural wellness coach and has been trained in NLP, Timeline Therapy, EFT and emotional clearing. She specializes in using subconscious healing tools to help her clients overcome limiting beliefs and achieve their goals. She has developed her own unique method for achieving inner peace, which has helped many transform their lives and live a more fulfilling existence. 

Erin has a deep connection with God and believes that He has given her special intuitive abilities to quickly gain understanding regarding what subconscious program is at play in someone's life. She uses this gift to help her clients identify their subconscious patterns and beliefs that may be holding them back from achieving their goals and guides them towards a clear path of rewiring their patterns and programming.

With her extensive knowledge and expertise in personal growth and emotional healing, Erin is dedicated to helping individuals achieve their full potential and live a life of purpose and meaning. She is a true inspiration to those seeking to better themselves and their lives, and her passion and dedication towards her work are truly remarkable. 

Joy V.

"I was feeling hopeless in my marriage. I didn't want to leave my husband, but I felt powerless to change our relationship. I reached a point that I felt I had to make a change and yet the only option I saw was either divorce or being miserable. When I heard Erin talk about changing your marriage without involving your husband I felt a glimmer of hope. If someone hasn't ever experienced this type of subconscious healing work it can be really hard to explain. I myself was a little nervous and skeptical of it. However, the peace and joy and confidence I've found through this work is transforming not only my own heart but my home- my kids and my husband as well.  Suddenly I'm showing up differently and  responding differently and it's changing everything."

Are you ready to take control of your marriage and find inner peace? The beta version of my program,
"There's a Third Option," is an exclusive opportunity to receive personalized coaching and guidance at an incredibly discounted rate. As a beta student, you'll have direct access to me, live coaching sessions, and the chance to become a case study for future program success.

 Still have questions? - Book Your Discovery Call
   During this call, we'll discuss your specific situation, explore how the program can work for you, and determine if you're a good fit for our program. Remember, there are limited spots available for this exclusive beta offer, so take action now to embark on your journey towards saving your marriage and finding inner peace.

Here's what will happen on this no-cost call:
*I'll show you exactly how my clients are able to END THE YELLING.
*I'll also show you a simple trick that makes your husband ask you about your day and the best part is your husband will think IT'S HIS IDEA!
*You'll also find out how my clients with the most demanding, stubborn, overbearing controlling husbands were able to create peace and remove the yelling without therapy or even involving their husbands.  
*You’ll discover why you’re wired to keep these unhealthy patterns going and how to rewire them.  
I*’ll also show you how to STOP feeling like you're walking on eggshells in your own home!
*We’ll put an end to second guessing yourself and feeling like a crazy person, because guess what? You’re not crazy! Book your call NOW!