Inner Child Sessions

A safe space dedicated to nurturing your inner child...

Course Summary

Welcome to the dedicated and safe space created just for you - a space where you can finally take charge of your own healing journey. If you're resonating with the feeling of being stuck in everyday responsibilities and patterns, and lacking a supportive community to hold you accountable, this program is designed to help you move forward.

In this program, you'll find a supportive community of like-minded individuals who are also on their own healing journeys. This community will offer you a non-judgmental space to ask your "unaskable" questions and safely unearth the roots that have held you back for far too long. You'll have a chance to connect with others who are also seeking healing, and feel heard, seen and guided in a quiet and nurturing environment. This program is unique because it offers live and face-to-face guidance from an experienced healer. While one-on-one sessions may be limited, this is an affordable opportunity to experience the healing guidance you need to move forward. If you've been putting off your own healing process for far too long, now is the time to take action. Reach out today to explore whether this program is the right fit for you, and start your journey towards greater healing, growth, and transformation.

Erin Jean

Erin Jean is a highly skilled and experienced relationship coach, with over a decade of expertise in the natural health and personal growth industry. She uses her experience and knowledge of the body and mind to guide individuals towards achieving inner peace. She has been married for over 20 years and is a mom to three children. She understands the importance of maintaining a balanced and healthy lifestyle both physically and emotionally, and she has dedicated herself to helping others do the same. 

Erin is an author, a podcast host, a certified hypnotherapist, a certified natural wellness coach and has been trained in NLP, Timeline Therapy, EFT and emotional clearing. She specializes in using subconscious healing tools to help her clients overcome limiting beliefs and achieve their goals. She has developed her own unique method for achieving inner peace, which has helped many transform their lives and live a more fulfilling existence. 

Erin has a deep connection with God and believes that He has given her special intuitive abilities to quickly gain understanding regarding what subconscious program is at play in someone's life. She uses this gift to help her clients identify their subconscious patterns and beliefs that may be holding them back from achieving their goals and guides them towards a clear path of rewiring their patterns and programming.

With her extensive knowledge and expertise in personal growth and emotional healing, Erin is dedicated to helping individuals achieve their full potential and live a life of purpose and meaning. She is a true inspiration to those seeking to better themselves and their lives, and her passion and dedication towards her work are truly remarkable. 



"Before working with Erin I was cycling through the same arguments in my relationship and it was exhausting.  While working with her over the past few months, my awareness has heightened! I now know when I am seeking validation from my husband instead of from God or myself. I am able to pause and shift that validation! That is a huge step! And it's brought me so much more peace."

Course Pricing

Inner Child Sessions

$222 USD

per month

  • In this program we will meet monthly for 6 months. June 2023-November 2023

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